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Good heart, good results

Photo of Erica Richardson
Hosted By
Erica R.
 Good heart, good results


### Good heart, good results

On Wednesdays in September we are going to continue the noble pursuit of becoming less selfish, more kind, and a source of genuine peace in our world. As Geshe Kelsang Gyatso says: “A good heart always brings good results.” We have it within us to become very loving and compassionate, not just towards our family and close friends (although that would be good too!), but towards everyone. This makes everyone happier, including ourselves. Buddha specialized in showing us how to develop an authentically good heart, and everybody can benefit from this advice, whether Buddhist or not.
Topics & Dates
with Kadam Lucy unless otherwise noted

Sept 4: Selfishness is self-defeating
Sept 11: Why others are important
Sept 18: Thriving through love
Sept 25: Changing our world and ourselves through compassion

Photo of Meditation & Buddhism in Denver group
Meditation & Buddhism in Denver
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Every week on Wednesday until September 25, 2024

Kadampa Meditation Center Colorado
4840 W 29th Ave · Denver, co
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