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What we’re about

Gar Trinley Yongkhyab Ling is a Tibetan Vajrayana Buddhist group in Scotland, following the Drikung Kagyu lineage and the enlightened vision of His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche. Under the spiritual direction of Venerable Dorzin Dhondrup Rinpoche, who visits from Singapore, we are based in Edinburgh, Scotland.

In these difficult times, the Buddha's teachings point the way to living in a meaningful way. He taught a way to understand the unsatisfactory nature of our lives, and a way to benefit ourselves and others, to find peace and happiness.

We meet regularly online to practice meditation, discuss and learn about the Buddha Dharma. Please visit our website: to learn more about us, our teachers, previous and future events.

We hope to restart our in-person meetings at the Salisbury Centre, and are keen to meet you!

Come and meet our teacher, Dorzin Dhondrup Rinpoche on 11th to 13th October at the Salisbury Centre during his visit to us, go to our events to find out more!

All welcome, regardless of experience.

Upcoming events (3)

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