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Film Screening- "For The Benefit Of All Beings" - An Extraordinary Life

Photo of Gar Trinley Yongkhyab Ling
Hosted By
Gar Trinley Yongkhyab L.
Film Screening- "For The Benefit Of All Beings" - An Extraordinary Life


As we look forward to the upcoming weekend (11th to 13th October) with Dorzin Dhondrup Rinpoche, the heart son of Garchen Rinpoche, we would like to invite you to this film about the remarkable and inspirational life of our Guru.

After fighting in a war to defend Tibet and preserve the Buddha Dharma, Garchen Rinpoche was captured and imprisoned. Garchen Rinpoche spent the next 20 years in prison and labour camps in Communist China. Since his release from prison in 1979, Garchen Rinpoche has worked tirelessly to restore, preserve, and spread the teachings and blessings of the Buddha Dharma.

His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche is one of the foremost Buddhist masters and accomplished Tibetan Lamas alive in this world today. His compassion, love, wisdom, and spiritual accomplishments are legendary.

"It is a huge blessing just to see the existence of such a great being, and this lovely film shares that with us. It is what the Tibetans call a tongdrol, something that liberates just by being seen!" --Dr. Robert Thurman

Donations towards the costs of Rinpoche’s visit, the venue and other costs are welcomed. We suggest £5 for the film screening, £4 concessions. Pay at the door, no one will be turned away for lack of funds. We hope to see you there!

Photo of Gar Trinley Yongkhyab Ling group
Gar Trinley Yongkhyab Ling
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Wednesday, October 9, 2024
5:00 PM
Salisbury Centre, 2
Salisbury Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AB, Salisbury Road, Edinburgh, EH16 5AB · Edinburgh
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