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Public Talk - "The meaning of the Buddha's Right View - A way to True Happiness

Photo of Gar Trinley Yongkhyab Ling
Hosted By
Gar Trinley Yongkhyab L.
Public Talk - "The meaning of the Buddha's Right View - A way to True Happiness


Come and join us for this interesting evening with visiting Dharma teacher, Dorzin Dhondrup Rinpoche, at the Salisbury Centre, as he discusses the first teaching of the Buddha - the Noble Eightfold Path to Enlightenment, part of the Four Noble truths, the basis of all other teachings.

Open to all, of any faith or none.
Feel free to ask questions of Rinpoche in our Q&A.

Teachings are free, but a donation towards costs would be appreciated - suggested £5, concessions £4

Email [email protected] or visit for more details.

Photo of Gar Trinley Yongkhyab Ling group
Gar Trinley Yongkhyab Ling
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The Salisbury centre
2 Salisbury Road, Edinburgh EH16 5AB · Edinburgh
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