San Rafael Contra Dance
Contra Dance is fun, quick to learn, and great exercise. Every dance night has a live band, caller, and a quick start class for first timers.
In contra dance, you will dance with your partner but also with other couples as you progress down the line. The figures for each dance are done in a repeated sequence after a brief walk through by the caller. Each dance may last 10 – 12 minutes and then we encourage you to switch partners as the night goes on.
What to wear: Comfortable shoes that will enable you to pivot and slide on the wood floor.
When to arrive: If this is your first time, come 30 minutes early to check in, join the quick start class, and get you ready for the first dance.
How hard to learn? Most newcomers will find that they can get dancing right away as the figures are quite simple.
Come as a group, couple, or single! Our dance is inclusive to all ages and genders.
Cost: Free to first-time dancers. $13 members, $15 non-members, $8 student or limited income.
San Rafael Contra Dance