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What we’re about

Dance, Meditation & Community Skills are to reconnect us with ourselves & others and bring lots of joy & connection into our lives!

The broader focused is to bring a community together to learn & engage in experiential & authentic ways. Let's have fun & experiences together as we learn and practice the solid skills of how to keep clear within ourselves, with another & within the bigger world. We can learn much from traditional through modern understandings and tools, re-establish in ourselves and pass it on to humanity. Whew- I know a bit lofty. Shoot for the stars.

Please let me know if you have ideas or skills to share or want to be involved with the evolution of a community! (I do not mean live together)

Skill examples- Inner Calming & Trauma Release to balance ourselves, Deep Listening, Peacemaking, The Art of Giving & Receiving, Circling, Authentic Relating, Philosophy Round Tables,...

Where Meditation Meets Movement
Join a simple yet profound movement meditation. The ‘open dance floor’ encourages freedom & fluidity, releasing the dancer who lives inside you. The movement is self paced, improvised and inspired by the moment and the musical wave.

The wave offers an opportunity to get in touch with our inner landscape.
Each stage of the wave has it’s own dynamic, encounter stiffness, stuck-ness, resistance, and encourages wild dances and tender ones.

The 5 stages of the wave consist of;
Entering- soft, circular, grounding, gazing into yourself and appreciating where you are
today emotionally, energetically, spiritually and allowing it to be so.

Movin’- allow the music to open and expand outward, hips engage, breath out,
move across the floor, give it permission to show, be seen and take it’s place.

Groovin’- ride the top of the wave into the unknown and untamed, Surrender to the
release, shake it baby, move, breath, practice allowing yourself.

Smoothin’- effortless, light, joyous, trancey, playful. Investigate and
practice trusting your spontaneous impulses in a relaxed, yet alert and present way.

Being- a moving stillness, uplifting, unifying, connecting. Integrate the parts of
yourself with renewed confidence, comprehension and clarity.

To create the transformational space for all, Please no talking on dance floor.
Settle in & stay for the whole wave.

Can be done by everyone. No experience necessary.
No steps to learn. No way to do it wrong.
Just bring a willingness to dive into your own unique movement.

Upcoming events (1)

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