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What we’re about

Welcome to the Pioneer Valley Ukulele Community! We are a group of ukulele players of all levels, who get together to play and sing music. Open to any ukulele player from aspiring novice to professional and beyond! Here you will find events such as: monthly AEIOUkes meetings, weekly Saturday Song Circle, plus ukulele classes, workshops, concerts, festivals and more. If you like playing the ukulele this is the place to be!

Please note: we are an inclusive and welcoming group. No event or comment shall be posted that discriminates or makes unwelcome any person because of age, race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual or gender identity, religious affiliation, disability, family status, or any other immutable characteristic or protected status. This includes, but is not limited to, invitation wording, event location, and other characteristics of the event.

We shall have a zero tolerance for hate speech, name calling, profanity, or any of the like, directed towards any individual or group. Thank you.