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Shame is the Gremlim Who Says, "You're Not Good Enough"

Photo of Debbie
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Shame is the Gremlim Who Says, "You're Not Good Enough"

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Lets talk about: Shame
Brené Brown: Shame is the Gremlim Who Says, "You're not good enough"
From the Depression Detox Show

Shame is an unspoken epidemic, the secret behind many forms of broken behavior. Brené Brown, is a vulnerability and shame researcher. She explores what shame is, how it grows and why vulnerability is way to move forward.
Step into the arena, fail miserably, shine a light on the petri dish and get rid of the gremlins. (I know, this doesn't make any sense right now)

Group norms: Please share about your experiences while maintaining your comfort level. Step up and step down (say your thoughts and encourage others to respond by asking a question). Pass the ball around.
Be open minded and willing to learn about yourself and how your values and needs might be similar or different from others. We are not here to persuade others to think or believe in something.

Photo of Podchats, It's like a book club but without the books group
Podchats, It's like a book club but without the books
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