- December Forum - The Hedonic TreadmillWoman's Club of Red Bank, Red Bank, NJ
Sunday, December 8 10:30 am - noon
Woman's Club of Red Bank, 164 Broad St 07701
The Hedonic Treadmill
Group Discussion on the illusive nature of the pursuit of happiness
• What are have you striven for?
• When you got it, did the satisfaction last?
• Is it possible to be fundamentally happier?
• Can we be happy with less?
Studies of happiness have shown a mixed picture. Most people seem to have a happiness set point and return to it after temporary disruptions due to major gains or losses in their lives. Yet some people do report lasting changes in happiness.Please help RBH Community Outreach Group take action for:
Secular Student Alliance
https://secularstudents.org/Note: We use Meetup as one of many channels to communicate with potential attendees. We typically draw 20-30 participants, despite only a few RSVPs on Meetup. Join our community!
Find us at www.redbankhumanists.org