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Margs and Bars

Photo of Jenéa (Jen)
Hosted By
Jenéa (.
Margs and Bars


Come make new friends and catch up with old friends over a pitcher of margs, and optional yummy Mexican snacks, followed by bar hoping and wherever the night takes us. Feel free to join at any time. We often frequent Chapel, Z Bar, Press Start, 1864, Ceol, Low Bar, Playfield 76, and many more. Check the comments for location updates to join us fashionably late ;)

If you plan to drink, plan transportation home and don't make a mess of yourself or the establishment.

Photo of Reno 30s and 40s Social and Adventure group
Reno 30s and 40s Social and Adventure
See more events

Every 2 weeks on Saturday

El Adobe Cafe
55 West Arroyo Street · Reno, NV
Google map of the user's next upcoming event's location
8 spots left