What we’re about
Disordered eating is ubiquitous. From earliest childhood through old age, a vast majority of us struggle with some version of it. One of the strangest phenomena around disordered eating is that it can have completely opposite expressions, depending upon the person for whom it is happening. Anorexia, bulimia, compulsive eating, sugar addiction, and even in some cases, gluten intolerance, are all versions of disordered eating which most of us assume are very different from one another.
But in reality, at their core, they are simply varied expressions of a common, underlying issue: the compulsion to assuage and abuse oneself with food.
While there is not a single, simple answer to the reversal of these conditions, there are two core components to any attempt to assist ourselves in repairing this behavior: support and accountability.
SATED is an online support and accountability hub to provide a 24/7 outlet for a full expression of the intentions, successes and challenges we each experience, while engaged in the personal journey of repairing disordered eating.
For members of SATED, we encourage and support three simple components :
Bring your personal food/ repair plan
Engage daily with the community via secure email
Attend weekly online support meetings
There are no requirements for membership, save the nominal fee to help cover costs. All engagement is voluntary. But as with any endeavor, the more you contribute, the greater your results.
As a member, you are asked to bring and outline the way/s in which you experience the greatest success in repairing disordered eating. Are you most successful when abstaining from certain foods or ingredients? Is the addition of supplements helpful? Do you experience relief from abiding by a certain meal schedule? Does journaling your intake for the day, week or month aid you in overcoming the compulsion around eating or not eating?
Each of us is so very different when it comes to the best ways to navigate the pull towards self-harm around food. Therefore, SATED will never suggest HOW you should eat or not eat to repair your relationship with food. It is assumed that in each of us, there is a very clear and distinct path down the eating trail which we understand serves us best. With disordered eating, the problem is rarely a matter of not knowing what to do. We know what works for us; we simply run into a resistance to apply that knowledge to our food intake. Therefore, we ask that you bring the plan which works best for you, and allow the support offered inside SATED to assist you in committing to that plan.
This is accomplished through daily email exchanges and weekly online meetings with other committed, engaged members who share the intimate knowledge of disordered eating and who have been down many of the same dark roads with regard to food.
This combination of your personal plan and ever-available support goes a very long way toward making disordered eating manageable and even, repairable.
Join for two weeks for free. Check us out. If it works, great! Stick around for $17/ month and stay as long as you’d like. If SATED is not for you, you’ve lost nothing. But maybe you made a friend in the meantime. Maybe you learned one thing which you’ll take with you to your next attempt. Just be willing to give yourself every opportunity to manage and repair this thing we do with food. Never quit. Don’t give up. Because your human family needs you at your best and brightest!