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Pre-Thanksgiving Calorie Burner (Backpacking Wild Oak Trail)

Photo of David Manning
Hosted By
David M.
Pre-Thanksgiving Calorie Burner (Backpacking Wild Oak Trail)


This is an annual strenuous trip that I enjoy with a goal of burning all of the Calories you will eat BEFORE Thanksgiving! Last year, we did the State of MD (43 miles) and for this year, I'm thinking of Wild Oak Trail (a loop) in GWNF. Total mileage is 28.5 and Elevation is 7,300ft! I've done it before and it is definitely challenging due to the elevation!

This is a 3-day trip, so you will need to be off work on Monday. Monday isn't a holiday, but is the Monday before Thanksgiving, so hopefully an easy day to take off.

Plan is to meet at 8:00am in Strasburg (81 & 66) and carpool together. I will plan an optional breakfast at 7:00 very close to the meetup location. On the way to the trailhead, we will want to drop some water to make our life much easier the second day (this is recommended in the trip writeup and is what I did last time).

The goal is not to break any speed records, but this will definitely be a more strenuous trip. Attendees should be comfortable doing multiple 15-20 mile day with serious elevation gains. If you haven't done a trip of this type, please consider whether you are up for it, or not, as you will impact the group. If you are unsure, please join one of my other trips and we can decide together.

My plan is to use the HikingUpward agenda for Wild Oak Trail. LINK HERE.
Please review my Standard Trip Warnings & Requirements. LINK HERE.

If you have any questions, please ask!!!


Photo of Shenandoah Backpacking All Welcome group
Shenandoah Backpacking All Welcome
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