What we’re about
SkillCamp is a non-profit 501(c)3 organization. We provide free and low cost classes to help you master the skills you need to reach your life goals.
Become a supporting member at https://scriptcamp.net/membership
Some of our classes are free and some are limited to supporting members (unlimited membership starts from $19/month). There are no membership dues or fees required to attend our free classes.
ScriptCamp: Welcome beginning and experienced screenwriters! We host regular screenwriting bootcamps, classes, script coverage and career coaching from professional, repped screenwriter Conor Kyle. Each week there are a few live & virtual classes, workshops, Q&As and intensive 6- to 8-week bootcamp courses that take you from idea to first draft, to polished feature screenplay or TV pilot.
Website: https://scriptcamp.net
ScriptCamp classes are taught live on Discord at: https://discord.gg/Qy3E35DZna
WordCamp: Welcome beginning and experienced writers! We are a writing community focused on helping you take your concept from idea to first draft to polished script. We cover novels, Join the 12-week NaNoWriMo Novel Bootcamp
WordCamp classes are taught live on Discord at: https://discord.gg/yJBPRqUpN5
FilmCamp: Welcome beginning and experienced filmmakers. We are a filmmaking community focused on helping you take your concept from idea to production to final edit. Join our cinematography, directing, producing and post-production classes!
FilmCamp classes are taught live on Discord at: https://discord.gg/Bw2TjmSFux
ToonCamp: Welcome beginning and experienced animators. We are an animation community focused on helping you take your concept from idea to storyboards to production and final edit. Join our free 12-week Animation Lab!
ToonCamp classes are taught live on Discord at: https://discord.gg/jpmsjkVYe8
CreatorCamp: Welcome beginning and experienced creators and influencers! We are a creator community focused on helping you develop your content creation and influencer business! Join our free Home Studio Lighting class!
CreatorCamp classes are taught live on Discord at: https://discord.gg/eVGGAs3Vc9
About the Instructors:
Conor Kyle has written for Shudder's Creepshow (2019) and placed twice in the Nicholl Fellowship with his scripts “Peter and the Wolves” (quarterfinals, also Launchpad top 10) and The Tube (semifinals). His screenplays have also been featured on the annual Hit List, Young & Hungry List, Spec Book, and on Tracking Board’s “Best Writers of the Year” booklet. He writes everything from stage musicals to Westerns to horror movies.
Watch Conor's previous classes on Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Twitch and the ScriptCamp Video Library
Upcoming events (4+)
See all- CodeCamp Developer Lab (FREE)Link visible for attendees
Enter the live meeting room here: https://discord.gg/562YD6mQTD
At our weekly lab, experienced software developer Joel Sprouse coaches and guides you on your journey through completing the intensive freeCodeCamp Full Stack Developer curriculum. As you complete this program for certifications in responsive web design, JavaScript, front-end development, data science, relational databases, and back-end development, you'll learn to build full-stack applications using Node.js, React, SQL, and more. Also gain hands-on experience with important tools including Git, Bootstrap, and APIs and JSON.
We'll be working our way through the first 5 courses on this page https://www.freecodecamp.org/learn/
- Network event6 attendees from 6 groups hostingWriter's Lab - get help from Conor Kyle ($10) | ScriptCamp WordCampLink visible for attendees$10.00
Enter the live meeting room:
Discord: https://discord.gg/5FkWXpUSp9
Zoom: https://zoom.us/j/98013340190
Phone: +16699009128,,98013340190#Script Camp Writers Lab is an intensive script development session where Conor Kyle and other writers are available to help you work through specific problems with your project, whether it is a screenplay, novel, stage play or short story.
Through one-on-one chats with a professional screenwriter and author, lab participants engage in a rigorous process that helps you get past whatever issues you encounter during the outlining and writing process.
How to join this Lab?
• Purchase this session a la carte on meetup; or
• Join skillca.mp unlimited: https://skillca.mp (from $10/month, includes all live bootcamps and labs)The Writers Lab meets 2x/week:
Fridays at 12pm pacific / 2pm central / 3pm eastern / 5pm Santiago-São Paulo / 8pm London / 9pm Central European time
Saturdays 4pm pacific / 6pm central / 7pm eastern / 9pm Santiago-São Paulo / Sunday 8am Perth / Sunday 11am Sydney / Sunday 1pm Auckland
We believe learning should be free and accessible to everyone. We've lowered monthly tuition, so all classes are free or very low cost (from $10/month). If you would like to attend but can't afford any paid class, you can request a tuition waiver at https://skillca.mp/waiver
- Saturday Table Reads: Features, TV Pilots & Shorts (FREE)Link visible for attendees
Enter the live meeting here: https://discord.gg/RxuueacNQV
Join us for the Script Camp Table Reads 3x weekly! Sign up to submit your complete Feature Film screenplay, TV Pilot, or short!
The deadline to submit your script for the Saturday Table Reads is anytime before the session starts*!** (Your script must be in standard screenplay format.)*
Everyone is welcome to join, whether you want to read a part or just listen in!
How to attend?
⦁ This event is free and everyone is welcome, whether you want to read a part or just listen in.
⦁ Space is limited, so be sure to hit the RSVP button
⦁ Then join us on Discord at https://discord.gg/RxuueacNQVHow to Submit Your Script:
⦁ If you have not already done so, be sure to join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/VnuRNaNjXK
⦁ Everyone can submit any short screenplay/excerpt (up to 5 pages) to the table reads, using this google form. Please include your Discord username.
5 Page Table Reads Submission Form: https://forms.gle/eWTvToafZduiT8aa7
⦁ If you would like to submit your Feature (up to 125 pages) or TV Pilot (up to 80 pages), you must earn the @TableReader role by participating in table reads or providing helpful feedback to other members. Then complete this google form. Please include your Discord username. Feature/TV Pilot Submission Form: https://forms.gle/h6PL66RBB8zS9Nie9FAQ:
Q: I don’t have a script ready yet. Is it okay if I just join to listen and learn?
A: Absolutely! This workshop is entirely free and everyone is welcome to join.Q: My writing is ____ genre, is that okay?
A: Yes! Any genre is OK.Q: I’m worried that my script sucks, should I still bring it?
A: This is a process. Nobody will be perfect. We’re here to support you, which means pointing out the parts that are awesome and providing honest feedback for improvement.Q: My script is not in standard screenwriting format.
A: Please re-type your using screenwriting software before uploading it to the google form. If it is not in standard screenplay format, it’s difficult for readers to provide helpful feedback on the pacing and many other aspects of your script. Here’s a list of some free screenwriting software options you can use:Writer Duet free trial version (no watermark, max 3 scripts) https://www.writerduet.com/script/
Writer Solo (separate software made by Writer Duet, free, no watermark, unlimited scripts) https://writersolo.com/
Fade In Free version (small watermark, unlimited scripts) https://www.fadeinpro.com/page.pl?content=download
Kit Scenarist (no watermark, unlimited scripts) https://kitscenarist.ru/en/index.html
Highland 2 free version (watermark / mac only, unlimited scripts) https://apps.apple.com/us/app/highland-2/id1171820258?ls=1&mt=12
Drama Queen (unlimited scripts) https://dramaqueen.info/dramaqueen-free-lifetime-en/?lang=en Trelby (no watermark, unlimited scripts) https://www.trelby.org/download/
Arc Studio Pro (no watermark, max 2 scripts) https://www.arcstudiopro.com/pricing
Scripto (no watermark, unlimited scripts, max 3 collaborators) https://www.scripto.live/
Final Draft (60 days free trial) https://trial.finaldraft.com/
Prewrite (no watermark, max 1 script) https://prewrite.com/ - YA + Middle Grade Writers Group (FREE) | WordCampLink visible for attendees
Enter the live meeting room here: https://discord.gg/VZDudqxD9H
We meet weekly to workshop our YA and Middle Grade novels, share feedback, and explore techniques for writing compelling stories for young readers. Beginners and experienced authors welcome!