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What we’re about

Here's a now-not-so-novel (!) idea: Inspired by the Silent Book Club phenomenon (, bring along your current read of choice, any genre and any format (whether physical books, e-books, or audiobooks). There is NO assigned reading and absolutely NO deadlines to finish a book!
We meet up in an easily accessible space in St Albans town centre, such as the local Waterstones, or Courtroom cafe or St Albans public library, and maybe even outdoors occasionally, weather permitting (probably three times a year). Depending on our location, we can order food or drinks and discuss our planned reads for a few minutes. Then, at a set time, it's time to immerse ourselves in 1+ hour of quiet, uninterrupted reading. At the end we can decide to share what we've been reading (or not) - and then we can choose to stay back at the end of our meetup (or not)!
The simple aim of this silent book club is not to have a didactic or structured agenda but to share our love of reading amongst friends in a chilled space together, and on a monthly basis (for now).
Suggestions for times and dates will be welcomed - please drop me a message or post a comment below! Our inaugural session is scheduled for the last Sunday of September 2024 in the courtroom cafe of St Albans Museum + Gallery - and once we find our feet, we will hopefully aim to organise a mix of sessions on different days of the week, using a variety of public spaces. If you would also like to co-organise sessions from time to time, please message me directly!
NB: I also run a parallel stationery meetup group that focuses on creative journalling and that usually involves lots of chatting and socialising, but THIS group is intended to be entirely separate and there will not be any overlap of activities with that group - and of course you are absolutely welcome to join both! I really look forward to seeing you real soon :)

Upcoming events (1)

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