Fast-paced, out-and-back Hike on the BT to O'Neil Woods
This event will be a fast-paced hike starting on the Tow Path to the Buckeye Trail and O'Neil Woods with a distance of 5+ miles and a speed of 3.5-4+ mph (this may also include sporadic trail running). Please be advised that this is more of a fitness hike and not a sauntering stroll through the woods -- not that there is necessarily anything wrong with that -- only this is definitely not that type of hike. Bear in mind that this should not be your first hike and that keeping up with the group will be essential. If this sounds like your type of hike then I shall look forward to seeing you there!
What good is livin' a life you've been given
If all you do is stand in one place
Ends of the Earth
by Lord Huron
Every 2 weeks on Wednesday
Fast-paced, out-and-back Hike on the BT to O'Neil Woods