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What we’re about

"Nobody but a blockhead ever wrote except for money." - Samuel Johnson

The BlockHeads is a writing critique workshop for "amateur" writers who seek to improve their chances of becoming published professionally. (Or not! - If Emily Dickinson is your hero... ) This group is open to the public and encourages anyone who senses they have a talent for writing to attend.

After the first time you attend, there will be a requirement to bring one WIP (Work In Progress) for further workshops. However, the WIP may be presented as many times as the author believes necessary.

This is a Group for many categories of the writer's craft, be it Fiction/novel, short story; Poetry; or Avante Garde. EXCEPT: Sorry, "straight" Non-Fiction will not be entertained unless a Memoir or Personal Essay. (No History, "straight" Biography, Self-Help, How-To, Cookbooks, etc... )

Please note: There will be zero tolerance for any racism, sexism, ageism, anti-Semitism, anti-LGBT (and so on... ) BEHAVIOR. Anybody doing so will be invited to leave the Group. (Of course you may WRITE evil characters who erupt in this way, but that is a different thing.)


Upcoming events (4+)

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