Are you looking for a forum to discuss the latest news in our community, country, or world? Or perhaps you have something on your mind lately, like a noisy neighbor or a pressing social issue?
This is a formatted discussion. We pick random topics/questions, and everyone around the table has 2 minutes to opine on them with ZERO cross-talk. Once everyone has had their say, we open it up for general discussion until it is exhausted, and then we go on to the next topic/question of the day.
This Meetup event is the perfect place for you. Join us for a lively discussion where you can share your thoughts and opinions on current events or bring up anything that's been on your mind in a formatted and organized fashion.
We aim to foster respectful and constructive conversation where we can disagree without being disagreeable.
During this meetup, we'll explore topics related to current and non-current events. Approximately half the topics will be focused on the latest happenings in the world, while the other half will be on different issues and topics. By the end of our two-hour session, we hope to have solved all the world's problems - or at least come up with some thoughtful insights and ideas.
If you have any discussion ideas that you'd like to share, feel free to post them in the comments section below. We look forward to seeing you at Karl's Sunday Current Events Meetup, where we can all come together and share our thoughts on the world.
Please check this Meetup event page the morning of the event to ensure there have been no last-minute changes.