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Making Art Discovering Seoul in Deoksugung Palace

Photo of Ursula
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Making Art Discovering Seoul in Deoksugung Palace


Are you an iPhone photographer?
It doesn't matter what material you use as long as it suits you.

We're visiting one of Seoul's most renowned palaces, Deoksugung.
It offers a tranquil oasis in the bustling city. Drawing—or even taking thoughtful photographs—helps us see the familiar with fresh eyes. It's one of the most direct ways to engage with the world by making it strange.

We'll meet just inside the gate (you'll need to purchase a ₩1,000 admission ticket at Daehanmun), as the royal guard changing ceremony will be taking place in front of the gate at that time. After introductions, we'll explore whatever inspires you. Feel free to open your sketchbook or ready your camera—there are no strict rules to follow.

This weather is perfect for unleashing our inner artists! Let's step into a different role for 1.5 hours. Set aside your judgments and focus solely on what you see.

The act of seeing itself can be a creative process!

What to bring

  • Pen & paper (whatever you prefer—it doesn't matter as long as it suits you)
  • Nothing else—you have your smartphone!


  • 11:00 AM: Meet and greet
  • 11:30 AM: Explore and create art
  • 1:00 PM: Return to our meeting spot to share our work (optional)

Remember, sharing our creations helps us all improve!

Ways of Being is a sister meetup to Sunday Book Club.
If you are a book lover, it is right place for you.
For more information, please click the link below.

Deoksugung Palace houses an art museum with worthwhile exhibitions throughout the year. It was home to Gojong, the second-to-last Joseon Dynasty king, who ruled from 1863 to 1907 and ultimately died there. After 1910, during the Japanese occupation, the palace grounds were converted into a public park. This transformation reduced the territory to one-third and the number of buildings to one-tenth of the original size.

For more detailed information about the site, please check the link below. It provides a comprehensive overview.

Photo of Ways of Being group
Ways of Being
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Deoksugung Palace
서울특별시 중구 세종대로 99 (정동) · Seoul
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