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Writing Workshopsに関する最大グループ


Write Together

Write Togetherの写真Alexander Troupがオーガナイザー

Central Phoenix Writing Workshop

6,845 Writers | Phoenix,
Anne Hdmacがオーガナイザー

Melbourne Writers Social

6,635 Writers / Creatives | Melbourne,
Melbourne Writers Socialの写真Mat Clarkeがオーガナイザー

Shut Up & Write!® Online Events

6,420 Writers | San Francisco,
Shut Up & Write!® Online Eventsの写真Shut Up & Write!がオーガナイザー

The Erotic Literary Salon

5,770 Writers, Attendees, Poets | Philadelphia,
The Erotic Literary Salonの写真Laurenがオーガナイザー
The Erotic Literary Salon will be shut down soon and the new name will be Erotic Poetry and Stories. I have decided that 12 twelve years was a good run; several people told me they felt this way and I agreed.

I will continue to send out a Salon newslette
The Erotic Literary Salon will be shut down soon and the new name will be Erotic Poetry and Stories. I have decided that 12 twelve years was a good run; several people told me they felt this way and I agreed.

I will continue to send out a Salon newslette
The Erotic Literary Salon will be shut down soon and the new name will be Erotic Poetry and Stories. I have decided that 12 twelve years was a good run; several people told me they felt this way and I agreed.

I will continue to send out a Salon newslette

Vicious Circle Writers Group

5,725 Vicious Wordsmiths | Atlanta,
Vicious Circle Writers Groupの写真Johnがオーガナイザー
Lives and Times by Dennis Goodwin
Free event!
240 W. Ponce de Leon Avenue, 30030

Writing Under the Influence

4,936 WUTI-ites | Ridgewood,
Writing Under the Influenceの写真Jonathan Roseがオーガナイザー

Interactive English communication fluency meet up

4,765 Members | Chennai,
Interactive English communication  fluency meet upの写真VGYAがオーガナイザー

New York City Writers Critique Group

4,733 Writers | New York,
New York City Writers Critique Groupの写真Christopher Keeltyがオーガナイザー
Chris Keelty, Curtis Chin, Robert Turley, and Stee Tate at Curtis's book signing and launch event at the Strand Bookstore in NYC, October 17 2023